The reality and causes of evil eye

All people in this world want ease in their life. The purpose of the work done for the acquisition of knowledge is that the work done for the purpose of employment is to improve the quality of life and provide convenience. It is not very old that many facilities were accessible only to the rich. Due to the development of science and technology, now common people are also getting numerous facilities and comforts and luxuries. New and accessible means of communication for everyone, electronic devices, high-speed means of communication are especially noteworthy. Due to scientific discoveries, people’s lifestyle is changing in cities, towns, villages and villages.
Science and technology have changed the way of life of man a lot but also brought many new and serious problems of scientific development.

Advances in modern science and technology and human behavior

In this era of information technology, the institution of family in Eastern societies is facing serious threats. Children, youth and the elderly are facing serious problems. which were not faced by the people of two or three generations ago. Modern problems include youth’s involvement in mobile phones and internet, stress, depression and many other psychological diseases. One of the important problems in the 21st century is girls not getting married on time and disrespecting important elders.On the other hand, many problems faced for centuries are still present with full intensity. These problems include negative human behavior, feelings of rivalry and jealousy among people, greed, selfishness, persecution, malice,
Emotions like resentment are involved. Jealousy is a very undesirable trait, but unfortunately, this very undesirable trait has gripped many people.
Satan is the open enemy of man. Doubts and whispers are the two great weapons of Satan. If we look around us, we find that even in this scientifically advanced age, Satan has kept countless people in doubt and whispers. . Negative feelings toward others are common among countless people affected by a sense of insecurity and the domination of evil thoughts over human thought. Such people are unhappy when they see others happy or achieve success and become angry or jealous. When the negative emotions become intense, many men and women who are overwhelmed by satanic thinking even today get involved in many evil deeds to harm people. These include evil eye, jealousy, witchcraft or other negative practices.

An incident related to Nazarbad in the Prophetic period

In order to understand the effects of sight and its intensity, the study of the event that happened during the Prophet’s time will increase the knowledge of the readers. He behaved with extreme love and compassion. Even when the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was displeased by something, he often acted with compassion. A special aspect of the incident described below is that in it the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) called the person who was watching and expressed his strong displeasure at him. Hazrat Sahl bin Hanif, a Sahabi Messenger, was a very handsome and handsome man. The incident is like this: Hazrat Sahl bin Hanif was once bathing in a valley of Madinah. A gentleman Hazrat Amir bin Rabi passed near him, Amir’s eyes fell on Sahl’s body and he spontaneously said, “I have never seen such a beautiful person till today.” At that time, Sahl got a vision and his condition became very bad. The people present there attended the service of the Holy Prophet. And asked the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) about the sudden deterioration of Sahl’s health. After hearing the whole matter, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Do you people doubt anyone’s sight?” People had heard what Aamir bin Rabi said, and people’s thoughts went to Amir bin Rabi. So the name of Amir bin Rabi was taken. The Holy Prophet called Aamir and was angry with him and said, “Why does one of you kill his brother?” When you liked their body, why didn’t you pray for their blessings? After that, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained the method of removing the gaze, and when this method was followed, Sahl bin Hanif’s health immediately recovered. Healing from the water of the holy hair of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).

Hazrat Uthman bin Abdullah bin Muhab narrated that Hazrat Umm Salma had the blessed hairs of the Prophets, peace and blessings be upon him. They kept them in a silver tube. The narrator says that my family gave me a bowl of water. He gave a cup and sent it to the service of Hazrat Umm Salma. Because when someone was in trouble, he used to send a cup to the service of Hazrat Umm Salma. Hazrat Umm al-Momineen kept these holy hairs in this bowl and shook them. The sick person used to drink that water and by the grace of Allah Ta’ala, he was cured by drinking the water touching the Holy Prophet’s blessed hair.

The description of evil eye in the Holy Quran

Nazar is mentioned in the Qur’an in the twelfth Surah of the Qur’an (the name of the Surah is Surah Yusuf). In this blessed Surah, Allah Almighty informed mankind about the conditions of His Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him). Also called In Surah Yusuf, Ya’qub (peace be upon him) said: “My son, when you reach Egypt, do not enter there through one of the gates of the walled city, but enter there through separate gates.” Ya’qub said. I cannot avoid any calamity from Allah, the command is only from Allah.
In the interpretation of this verse of Surah Yusuf, the commentators have written that the sight is mentioned here. All the brothers of Hazrat Yusuf (peace be upon him) were very handsome and well-mannered. The commentators say that Hazrat Yaqub was afraid that seeing his beautiful sons in one place, people might not look at them.
Another place in the Holy Qur’an says: “If the disbelievers have enough, they will try to knock you down with the effectiveness of their sharp eyes.”
Definition of sight

Nazar is a terminological name for the special qualities of the human soul. This condition moves i.e. from one self to another self or from one being to another being and influencing there. This influence usually manifests itself in the form of pain or loss. The causes of vision are mostly negative. It is also called bad sight in our country. However, it should be noted that not every look has negative characteristics. The look has its effects, it is not necessary that the look is bad or its effects are bad for the expression of these effects. It is in our general observation that an evil eye often has a bad effect, but a look of admiration is a source of happiness and energy for a person. Apart from this, sometimes the look of praise or compassion can cause some trouble, sometimes the look of a most sincere person can be seen, just as small children themselves are also affected by the loving look of their parents. Sometimes someone may even notice you yourself.

Sight effects

“Sight” is an important factor interfering in human affairs. Sight can affect health. Income can have negative effects. Various aspects of life can cause difficulties and sufferings. Not only humans but other creatures and products such as animals, trees, crops, houses or any other place or man-made object can also be affected.According to the knowledge of the secrets of the universe, the great physician, Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The separation of the gaze is right.” It is narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “The joining of the gaze is right if If something were to take precedence over destiny, it would be a bad sight.”
Sometimes the word “Nafs” is used instead of sight. That’s why the one who looks is also called Naaf in Arabic. In Urdu language, mostly the words Nazar Bad or only sight are used for these negative qualities.

The reality of sight in the light of Prophet’s sayings

There are different levels of vision. Vision can be mild to severe. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The sight is true. It makes a man fall down when he climbs a mountain.”
It was narrated from Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Looking leads a man to the grave and a camel to the pit.”
Similarly, the interpretation of Irshad Irshad of the Prophet is that due to the severity of the sight, a healthy person can become so seriously ill that he may die or even die. Carrying a camel in a handi means that a good camel may fall ill due to the intensity of the sight. Those who keep camels, cows, sheep for riding or for any other purpose, keep birds as a hobby or any other animal, take great care of their animals. If any animal falls ill, they also treat it, but if If the health of the animal is disappointed, then the halal animal is slaughtered and thus the meat of the animal reaches the handi. Camel is a hardy and strong animal. Even in the scorching heat of the desert, where the temperature rises above 50 or 55 degrees, a camel can go without food for days.In the hadith Mubaraka, describing the severity of the effects of sight, it is explained that due to sight, a good camel can become so seriously ill that its owner despairs of its health and life and immediately slaughters it. Then send its meat to be cooked in a handi for your own or others’ use.