Causes and harms of jealousy
Jealousy has many causes or triggers. Among them, the prominent causes include low capacity, low courage, selfishness, narrow-mindedness, malice, lust for the world and lust for wealth and values, etc.
One more point to note here, the person who is jealous is not necessarily a deprived person, many rich and blessed people also do not want to see others succeed in their field. Success does not harm them. Such people can become jealous of another person after seeing them succeed or happy. Many such examples are often observed around us in our city in our country around the world.Especially in the field of business or other career fields this narrowness is observed more.
Pride or arrogance is also a trigger of jealousy. A proud man is also narrow-minded and narrow-minded. He begins to consider others as inferior or contemptible. When other people start getting ahead in the race of life, a proud person starts to envy them because of their narrowness. People’s various matters of life such as livelihood, health, children, relationship of husband and wife etc. Others may also be affected by extraneous causes.Jealousy is very prominent among these reasons.
Disadvantages of Jealousy
Jealousy can affect the person who is envied, but envy itself is very bad for its possessor. Envy takes the big loss of the envious person. Sometimes, after a long period of hard work, by the grace of Allah, the losses of this person are compensated, that is, in some cases, not only the loss is compensated, but the benefit is even greater than before. But the case of jealousy is different. The damage done to the envious person due to jealousy is great and permanent damage. Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“Beware of envy, for envy consumes good deeds like fire consumes dry wood.”
This Hadith of the Prophet is very important. Consider the various aspects of this saying of the teacher of humanity, the most benefactor of mankind, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). Hasid describes envy in the hadith as a factor that destroys good deeds and compares it to fire. Reference has been made to the effect of this fire on dry wood. For one thing, fire burns dry wood very quickly. Secondly, dry wood burns very quickly and turns into a pile of ashes. That means they lose their existence. This pile of fire cannot be turned back into firewood. Jealousy destroys one’s virtues and this destruction of virtues is rapid. By considering this saying of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, it is clear that the virtues destroyed by envy are permanently excluded from human actions.